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Hello, TEAM

Or shall we say, "Dream Team"?

Okay, all puns aside.

You've invested your time, resources, energy, and all the tenacity ya got into refining your teaching skills so you can serve your students to the best of your ability.


But you know you want more.

You value having a community of teachers from all different walks of life, all over the globe, but with the shared experience of completing Voice Function 101 and a commitment to Evidence Based Voice Training.


You're pretty freaking obsessed with continuing education and want to stay on top of the most up to date research without having to dig through all of it yourself.


And, DAMN, you want direct access mentor you trust to bounce ideas off of and work with as you continue on your voice pedagogy journey

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Sounds like you're ready to join 


our very own ped-head support group

What exactly does this fancy little alumni group consist of?

I'm SO glad you asked.

When you join the Dream Team, you get access to a number of fabulous perks. Perks like:



connect online with our other "ped-heads" in our closed facebook group
(referrals, promotions and all)


ped-head primers

live monthly trainings with the industry's best PLUS access to the full PHP library


teacher referral center feature

get your studio featured on our certified teacher referral page


private bookings with me

(cause we don't open that calendar up to the public)


access to our "observation on demand" playlist

(where you can observe Maddie's teaching, but on your own time)

Plus? Continued email access to me for those quick mind-boggling ped questions

( i.e. student got ya stumped? send me a voice memo and I'll send you some tools to try! )

all for $75/month

( Yep. That's it! )

What are you waiting for?

Let's do this thing.

Let's get singing.

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